Editing Your Unsubscribe Confirmation Message (Lyris HQ)

The unsubscribe confirmation message is sent to recipients after they unsubscribe from your list via email. You can customize this message on the Edit List page.

Tip: To edit the unsubscribe confirmation message using EmailLabs, see Editing Your Unsubscribe Confirmation Message (EmailLabs).

To edit your unsubscribe confirmation message

1. Click Settings.

The Settings page opens.

2. In the Organizations section, click the name of the organization you want.

The Organization Details page opens.

3. In the List Settings section, click Edit Settings.

The Edit List page opens.

4. In the List Name drop down menu, select the list for which you want to change the confirmation message.

5. Select the Unsubscribe Message tab.

Your unsubscribe confirmation message opens.

6. Make your changes.

7. Click Save.

The unsubscribe confirmation message is changed.